A range of services for a turnkey solution.
3D printing technologies offer to manufacturers a flexible means of production with new freedom in part design. In order to take advantage of this flexibility and to integrate this new means to the best of their existing industrial tool, Pollen AM designs and manufactures open solutions that guarantee users control over the materials to be transformed.

A Pam 3D printers are thus an industrial tool capable of adapting to the material thanks to a development methodology developed by Pollen AM. This methodology is presented in detail during the training course available online on the e-learning platform set up by Pollen AM. The development steps are also proposed as a service.
From the qualification of a specific material to the part production and their mechanical characterization, Pollen AM accompanies you in the validation of Pam technology in relation to your industrial needs.
Let’s dive into the possibilities offered by PAM
From pellets to object, PAM technology offers the most direct process to high performances end-parts.
Metals Ceramics Commodity Elastomers Performance High Performance.