Slicing software
Autonomous, open & powerful
Cura powered by Pollen AM is the slicing software used to prepare the 3D files to be produced with Pam 3D printers.
Cura is an open source software dedicated to Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM).
Specifically engineered add-ons for Pam 3D printers enable to benefit from the power of an open material system.
Start using Pam 3D printers with existing 3D printing profiles or adapt parameters to your specific materials.

Cura is a 3D print software, it transforms a digital 3D file to a file format understood by 3D printers. The output file format obtained after Cura processing is a G.code file format. This file contains the all the commands that will be executed by the 3D printer to produce the required part with a given material and resolution parameters.
Cura is the gold standard of 3D slicers worldwide. Compared to other 3D slicing software, Cura has been designed very neatly and is user-friendly, it proposes a large set of 3D printing parameters to the user.
Pam 3D printers are open and two ways of use are possible:
Ready to print mode: the user benefits from a 3D printing profile portfolio allowing him to produce parts in a "Click & Print" mode for a selection of materials. These 3D printing profiles have been tested by Pollen AM's expert teams and allow a large number of industrial needs to be met.
It is also possible to entrust Pollen AM with the development of 3D printing profiles for new materials or specific resolutions.
Expert mode: The Pam Technology isn’t limited to Pollen AM’s 3D printing profiles and materials, what better way than benefiting from the power of an open source slicing software and the most used worldwide.
Cura slicing software open access to all 3D printing parameters allowing the development of printing profiles meeting the material specificities and the particular resolution required.
Pollen AM developed a training footpath and methodology to give operators autonomy and expertise.