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pam o2 are direct pellet extrusion 3D printers, they are open to materials and allow their users to build awesome parts with unlimited creativity possibilities.
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Pellets are the genuine raw industrial shape material used in the industry. They ensure the highest quality at lowest cost.
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Cura powered by Pollen AM
Cura is an open source software dedicated to Fused Deposition Modelling. Specifically engineered add-ons for Pam 3D printers enables to benefit from the power of an open material system.
Start using Pam with existing printing profiles or adapt parameters to your specific materials.
Autonomous control
Honeyprint is the tailor-made software at the heart of Pam 3D printers. Thanks to its web-based interface, Pam 3D printers can be controlled by any device, locally or remotely.
It is also completely autonomous. No dedicated additional equipment is required and one operator alone can control multiple systems.
Installation & setup accompaniment
Benefit from a privileged collaboration with our R&D team for all your projects. We accompany you during the learning phases from beginner to expert level and for specific demands.
Access to smart and evolving knowledge through tutorials and training for an easy and convenient learning curve.
Industrial integration
In order to have the most control over your industrial workflows Pollen AM has developed a dedicated API.
It allows custom interactions and integration with your existing manufacturing means and new industrial process development.
Our team is there to answer your questions
Benefit from the knowledge of our engineers.
They will answer your enquiries.
Discover the capabilities of PAM 3D Printers in person, or obtain more details about their abilities.
Documentation on the website is not enough?
Contact us to know more about our software ecosystem.
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