Import the 3D file
First step
Cura slicing software recognizes a wide range of file formats (STL, OBJ, X3D, 3MF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, etc.).They different from the file formats that are native to the CAD software used. These file formats are triangulated 3D files.
Unlike common CAD 3D files, a triangulated 3D model holds only the surface of the object and not the individual primitives and editable content. The surface of the object then consists of an accumulation of triangles which size can vary according to the resolution chosen when converting to the triangulation format.

A simple "Drag & Drop" action is necessary to import the 3D model to Cura slicing software.
It is also possible to click on the floating folder icon on the left or select File > Open File(s) from the top menu.

The model then appears on the build-plate, the waiting time for it to appear depends on the size of the 3D file.