TPE Thin Lattice Structure

FGF Fused Granulate Fabrication FGM Fused Granulate Modeling TPE Profile bumper Pollen AM  mim metal cim ceramic technical 3D printing 3D printer industrial pellets granules extrusion small series medium series stainless steel thermoplastic granules open to materials multi-material
FGF Fused Granulate Fabrication FGM Fused Granulate Modeling TPE Profile bumper Pollen AM  mim metal cim ceramic technical 3D printing 3D printer industrial pellets granules extrusion small series medium series stainless steel thermoplastic granules open to materials multi-material
FGF Fused Granulate Fabrication FGM Fused Granulate Modeling TPE Profile bumper Pollen AM  mim metal cim ceramic technical 3D printing 3D printer industrial pellets granules extrusion small series medium series stainless steel thermoplastic granules open to materials multi-material
FGF Fused Granulate Fabrication FGM Fused Granulate Modeling TPE Profile bumper Pollen AM  mim metal cim ceramic technical 3D printing 3D printer industrial pellets granules extrusion small series medium series stainless steel thermoplastic granules open to materials multi-material
Part presentation

These two demonstrators were 3D printed in TPE 45 Shore A pam o2.

They have a complex filling structure.

The variation of the filling parameters influences the mechanical properties of the elastomeric thermoplastic parts and allows varing the perceived hardness.

This demonstrator shows the ability of Pam systems to produce complex parts with a high level of detail.

Material information
  • Supplier: Kraiburg TPE
  • Material: TPE
  • Grade: TF4STE

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