FGF Fused Granulate Fabrication FGM Fused Granulate Modeling ceramic radome Pollen AM  mim metal cim ceramic technical 3D printing 3D printer industrial pellets granules extrusion small series medium series stainless steel thermoplastic granules open to materials multi-material
FGF Fused Granulate Fabrication FGM Fused Granulate Modeling ceramic radome Pollen AM  mim metal cim ceramic technical 3D printing 3D printer industrial pellets granules extrusion small series medium series stainless steel thermoplastic granules open to materials multi-material
FGF Fused Granulate Fabrication FGM Fused Granulate Modeling ceramic radome Pollen AM  mim metal cim ceramic technical 3D printing 3D printer industrial pellets granules extrusion small series medium series stainless steel thermoplastic granules open to materials multi-material
Part presentation

Manufactured with pam o2, the 3D printer dedicated to metal and ceramic applications, this radome is made of Ceramic Aluminium oxide, Al2O3 and is presented at the sintered stage (after debinding & sintering steps). The debinding and sintering operations have been made by Solcera, the French CIM parts production industrial specialist.

Intended to withstand extreme forces (high velocity and friction), the inner structure of this part has been optimized to lower its weight while enhancing the refractory behavior of the material.

Material information
  • Supplier: Solcera
  • Material: Ceramic
  • Grade: Aluminium oxide, Al2O3

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Process configuration

  • Printing time: 4h 20 mn
  • Nozzle size: Ø 0.4 mm
  • Part weight: 114.42 g
  • Layer height: 0.2 mm
  • Material cost: € 9.15